Steps to a new world

Steps to a new world

Monday, 1 October 2012

Time is a truck

Time is like a truck. The truck moves from point A to point B in a straight line and you are being pushed by the truck to point B. There is no direction in which you can change the force or even the direction of the truck. The truck will in the end bring you to a complete standstill at point B. Time is the truck that pushes you from your birth to your death. There is no way to change the force of time. You are inevitably pushed to your death. The only difference between time and the truck is that with the truck you know where point B is, but with time you don't know when you will meet your end. Thinking about time in this way makes me more conscious about how I can never regain something of my past and how I will inevitably face my future. As each second passes my skin ages and with it my mind and with it my understanding of life. I do not have the future yet and have already lost the past. All I have is a bleating moment of the present before it flaps away. I am only real in as much as I live in that small space of real time. Every moment of everyday I have to make a forecast and hope that things work out as planned. I am reasonably good at making forecasts for the immediate future, but everything after that is subject to random events. God is completely outside time's realm and I am completely subject to a tiny present. I am almost not real, and God is absolutely real since there is no history or future, no memory nor change but only now. And since there is only now then God can only see how we make decisions. Thus, God does not make our decisions for us; we have complete free will over every action, God just sees how these events unfold.

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