Steps to a new world

Steps to a new world

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Perspective found in quiet evenings

We don't stand still. Our minds are beehives that are distracted by functions. The busy toil of everyday living impedes our ability to understand life. As a consequence we become mere drones whose sole purpose is to maximise over a grid of decisions. If only this grid was a vast field of endless possibility, then perhaps we would have expressed our desires in a way that is more soothing to the soul. This two dimensional constraint in which we operate allows us limited movement. We can only maximise over a set of combinations, which for some might seem infinite. It is strange that we cannot construct something truly unique and original. The best that we can do is combine existing elements into a form that serves a particular function. Yet, by being able to move above, or below the two dimensional space we might find something extraordinary.
Life becomes boring. We experience both failure and success in various degrees. And since we seem to enjoy success so much, and are even more averse towards failure, we do everything to succeed. How futile our existence to strive for success when we don't even really benefit from it. If you want to make a success out of work you sacrifice peace and family. If you want to be a great writer you must work hard at writing well and be able to sell a story only to worry whether you are a good writer. We toil and spin and learn nothing from the wise men. We get excellent examples of how to live life. The Bible tells us to observe the lilies in the field and the birds in the air. They neither toil nor spin. They do what comes naturally to them and cannot worry about the future. Yet we continuously define our success, or failure, in terms of human dictates.
What I miss most in life is quiet evenings outdoors where the sky is dark yet filled by little lights. I miss those evenings because it is quiet and my mind finds rest. My prayer becomes silence and all that remains is me waiting upon God. I feel Him walk beside me and I feel His presence calming my soul. Only then do I get perspective about life, only then do I focus on things that really matter.

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